I'll try to be brief, but we've had some fun-filled days that I must blog about.
Thursday Matthew and I headed to a near-by nursing home to sing Chrismas carols with some of our friends. I love to see the faces of the residents. They really enjoy seeing the little ones. Too cute!
Yes, he was the only boy and LOVING it! |
Friday was my nephew's first birthday!! A great party for an adorable boy.
Happy Birthday Michael!! |
Proud Mom Amy |
Proud Dad Mike |
I didn't get a picture of Mike and Amy together with Michael, but someone took a nice picture of this cute couple:
Thanks for inviting us to your party. We love you!
Christmas Eve is when Bill's side of the family celebrates. This has become a very special night for me. My second date with Bill was this night back in 1996. It's a good story for another time. But this night consists of about 75 people now and is complete with Christmas carols around the piano. I often say I fell in love with his family before him. (but he followed close behind : )
Let the caroling begin.....
And the matriarch of the family, enjoying it all....
Christmas morning:
Had to post this.
I didn't take too many pictures in the morning. We opened, ate, dressed, went to mass, and headed to our next event. Back in the car third day in a row. ( a lot easier than hosting, so I'm not complaining ).
Billy and Matt decided to recharge during the ride.
My sister and brother in law hosted this year. Their home is so warm and welcoming. The food was delicious and the company the BEST!
Thanks for a great night Gracie and Mike!
Monday and Tuesday were spent in our pajamas.....or in Bill's case, a leopard-print Snuggie.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!