Billy started the second semester of his freshman year this week. Because his school does block scheduling he is starting a whole new set of 4 classes. He's very happy to be done with Honors Algebra 2, that's for sure!
He is enjoying playing basketball for CYO. He's on Stage Crew for the school play as well. He's also getting a lot of use out of his Community Center membership that Santa brought him. Playing Clash of Clans on his iPod is his favorite go-to activity when he's not busy with the other stuff. According to him, his base is "aMAzing."
Ignore the laundry and look at that smile. |
We went to an information night at the high school this week. She's concerned that she won't be able to take as many classes as she wants. How's that for driven? She does NOT get that from me.
Tommy (5th grade) is still the bomb around here. His personality is super fun. He's learning trumpet at school and takes private piano lessons. You always know he's the one sitting at the piano when you hear the Jurassic Park theme song playing. He plays basketball for the township and is participating in an after school volleyball program.
Oh, and he's the school mascot.
Ann (4th grade) is doing really well in her first year of clarinet lessons at school. She is also taking piano lessons. She joined chorus as well, probably because she was tired of me telling her over and over to use the gift God gave her and share her lovely voice! She too started a blog last weekend and I'm so proud of her.
She's not much into sports, but if there was a roller-blading team I think she'd be on it. You can find her cruising around the house in these.
Matthew (1st grade) He likes school and does really well there, so I'm grateful for that. As for basketball...we signed him up but all he did was cry, so we didn't push it. He's a rule-follower and resident "tattle-tale." So much in fact that Tommy told him that "Thou Shalt Not Tattle Tale" was in the Bible and he better stop.
This child loves when all 7 of us are together in the same room. You can see it in his face. He often positions himself between me and Bill and has an hand on each of us. He also tells us to kiss each other, which is so darn cute. (and of course we are happy to oblige)
Big Bill (Grade A) He's the hardest worker I know. He's gone for at least 14 hours everyday (3 hours minimal of commuting time). He comes home and has dinner with us, watches some TV, and heads to bed. He never complains. He makes us laugh. He does not like it when the kids fool around past bedtime. He likes to play Xbox. He is not getting any use out of the Community Center membership Santa got him for Christmas.
Me: Housewifey, motherly, and volunteery type things take up my time. Trying to keep busy so that the devil doesn't take over my idle mind and use it as his workshop.
A few more photos below to share:
Family Fun Night/Book Fair at the elementary school.
Love that Rory! |
Early morning sunrise after band/orchestra drop off.
Beauty all around.