Sunday, October 14, 2012


If there was a class called Anxiety 101 I would ace it.

My husband keeps telling me to Let Go and Let God.  He's half joking and half serious.  He's right though.

I have some things on my mind causing me angst.  Little things.  I'm talking inconsequential things. I'm almost embarrassed to admit it.

For instance, I'm "on call" to watch my friend's 3 year old when she goes into labor. She is due to have her baby any day now.  I have been freakishly paranoid I will leave the house without my cell phone and she won't be able to reach me when she needs me and her husband will miss the birth of their child all because of me! 

Also, another dear, well-intentioned friend thought it was a good idea to post my video on her Facebook page for all of our parish friends to see.  Since then, I've had writer's anxiety. (I know, I'm using the term 'writer' loosely.)

And lastly, Allume.  This is the Christian women's blogging conference I am going to next week.  Holy cow!  When you read the bio's of the women going to this, I am totally out of my league. There are published writers, inspirational speakers, business owners, homeschoolers, etc. who are going to this conference.  I am already in awe of them and I haven't even gone yet. I'm also anxious about what I should wear. Will anyone talk to me? Is there audience participation involved?  And if so, where's the nearest Exit?

But as Divine Providence would have it, while writing this post, I remembered the little card I have on my kitchen window sill that faces me while I'm at the sink.

How awesome is that?  My cell phone and I are going to bed now. *wink*


  1. I agree with your husband! Hope you got a good night's sleep!! :-)

  2. If you have faith, then have no fears. God has your back .. don't worry , it uses energy and gets you no place .

    "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

  3. I agree with your husband! Hope you got a good night's sleep!! :-)

    If you have faith, then have no fears. God has your back .. don't worry , it uses energy and gets you no place.

    "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    Your husband and friends are right!

    "Without Me you can do nothing; with Me all things are possible!" xo

  4. Kathleen,

    I just wanted to share that with regards to the conference coming up, I often have anxiety over saying "the right" or "wrong" thing when in certain social situations. I always remind myself that God has put me here for a reason and it's my job to take it day by day AND let the Holy Spirit speak for me. I really have to remind myself of this frequently.

    And about watching Stellie, I don't think this baby is ever coming out, so you really don't have to worry. lol!


  5. That's awesome! You're pursuing your interest (aka gift) and going for it! Have an awesome time. God would say, "HAVE FUN!"

  6. I know this is a little late, but I'll be praying for you! I have the same problem and find myself worrying about ridiculous things. It's so hard to trust that God has us covered, but he really does!

    I hope you had a wonderful time at the conference!
