Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Last Post.....

 ....before I leave for the Allume Conference that is!  (did I scare you?)

Everyday Happenings mixed with Thankfuls:
*Thankful for Bill.  He's holding down the fort while I'm gone the next couple of days. He's got to deal with my usual "stuff" plus take the kids trick or treating on Friday night. (that's when our township does it).  I'm sad to miss them do that, but I got a taste of Halloween last weekend with my brother Jim's family at.....

*Boo At The Zoo. We had a great time seeing the kids dressed up and hang out with some of their cousins.  Beware-my nephew's costume below is a bit gory.

Mary and Ann

Billy, Tommy, Matt
My nephew Johnny....aka Zipper Head
I did warn you.

My nephew Jimmy, the mad scientist and niece Eileen (in the middle with friends)

Our awesome hosts-brother Jim and sis in law Kathy
Thanks for a fun night!

*80's on 8 on XM radio.  For real.  I am very thankful for this. It makes me happy.  I heard the Pat Benatar song Promises in the Dark last week and I was immediately transported back in time when I would sit in my brother Bob's room with headphones on and listen to him play his drums to that song.  It's a fond memory for me.
Matthew likes Big 80's music too.  In fact, he hums the song Centerfold by the J. Geils Band in the backseat.  Na, na, nana na na, na na na nanana na na na.  Yeah, you know it. (and now you're checking to see if I have the right amount of "na's".

*Speaking of being transported back in time, I heard the hymn Bread That Was Sown the other day at mass.  I don't think I've heard that since 8th grade. When I heard it I was back in grade school in the choir loft practicing hymns for Friday mass with the organist, Mrs. Blankmeyer.  Back then it was a real snooze but at least it got us out of class. I never liked a lot of those hymns.  So much is lost on the young.  So thankful for my Catholic education.  I was lucky to have a great class too.  Here's a big shout out to St. Laurence School- Class of 1984!!!

*Matthew's preschool had their field trip to the pumpkin patch.  We had fun.

And here's a picture to remind you that Christmas is a mere 8 weeks away.  Yikes!

*Thankful for Mom's & Tots and our rosary group meetings. I always love seeing these women walk through my door, especially today.

Top row: Cathy, Katie, Eileen, Margie. Bottom row: Emily, Lauren, Monika
My friend Emily, who is currently going through chemo and is 34 weeks pregnant, surprised us by showing up today.  In her own words, "This cancer thing is putting a real cramp in my social life."  So, we'll  only be seeing her intermittantly over the next few months and being with her today and praying with her was a real gift.  Looking forward to meeting her baby soon as well as.....

*my friend Eileen's baby who was due a week ago!!  You may remember me mentioning here that I was on-call to watch her three year old when she goes into labor.  Well, now that I'm skipping town tomorrow, she's called in the back-up sitters.

*Thankful for simple conversations with Matt, like how his new sneakers make him "run as fast as a ghost." or when he asked me while driving in the morning fog if I had my lights on.

*Thankful to those who read my silly blog.  Really, thanks.  Maybe I'll learn something at Allume and will be able to someday write something that will knock your socks off!  


  1. You have so much to be thankful for - what a beautiful family you have!!! Enjoy your time away : )

  2. posted a whole page worth and it said there was an error. hopefully it won't end up posting twice !!

    I know you are thanful for your 5 oldest and dearest friends too, right ! HAHAHA!! Wish I could have seen you when you were in town! Saw Johnny's pic on John's FB, how cool was that!!

    I had no idea about that 80's station, I like the 80's Pandora station , it's good to run too!

    I did have a fllashback to Sister Rose playing off key while we rehearsed hymns for mass and yelling at us because we sang off key!!
    Thanks for the memories :)

    Have a great time at your conference!! Bill will be great , you're lucky he's such a good dad!!

    Be safe and have a great time !!!


  3. 35 weeks! ;-) Almost 36 now...hope you had a great time at the conference. You were in excellent company!
