Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Sick One

Tommy is home sick today with the stomach virus.

Because a traveling husband and a sick momma doesn't mix, I'm trying to master the art of cuddling and care-taking in 15 second increments.  That's about as long as I can hold my breath.


  1. Oh, Kathleen...sorry your little one has caught the nasty bug! Hope it is swift! And is that a sheet over top of your sofa? Because I do the exact same thing! My kids call it "a sick bed on the sofa".

    Hold your breath, wash those hands, and spray that Lysol, friend! Hugs and prayers!

  2. Ha! Good idea with the sheet...we do a towel, more absorbent but less coverage!

  3. I am so sorry your and your son are both sick. We were all sick a few weeks back and my husband was gone as well.
    Keeping you all in my thoughts!

  4. Hi Tommy, This is probably the first picture I ever saw in which you were not smiling. I hope you feel better soon...and you will!! Love, Uncle Bob

  5. Kathleen, do you mean that you are holding your breath so you don't get sick also - or are you sick too?? I hope no one else catchs it. Pretty nasty at school these days. Call if you need anything. xo

  6. Awww...I hope you both feel better soon!
