Monday, July 20, 2015

The Gentle Mastery Of Christ

I have attempted to start a new blog post a bunch of times over these past two weeks only to come up empty.  There's so much to blog about but for some reason my mind goes totally blank when I try to write anything of substance.

Which, if you've read this blog for any period of time, that last sentence probably sounded like a joke because we all know I rarely post anything of substance here.

My mind has been occupied with some heavy stuff.  You see, my sister in law--Bill's "baby" sister-- was in a serious car accident.  We are so grateful Jenny's alive, but she has a long recovery ahead of her.

So many times over the last two weeks I've had a heavy heart.  When I think of my faith and remember that God is in charge I literally feel the burden taken off of my shoulders.

I feel a little funny saying that....obviously my burden doesn't quite compare to what Jenny's parents,  siblings, and even closest friends are feeling.  Most of my burden just comes from concern about all of them.  It can be so easy to let yourself be overwhelmed with worry.

Then last week at mass, the gospel was a familiar one.  Matthew 11:28

"Come to me all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest." 

Sounds good, doesn't it?  It does if we remember the most important part of that verse.

"Come to me."  

Because God always hears those who seek him.

So far I've witnessed blessings come out of Jenny's accident.....a family holding each other up, a relationship healed, more hugs as we walk out the door.  And that is just the stuff we can see.  Imagine all of the hidden work God is doing that we don't know about.

I know some of my blog readers are big time prayer warriors. If you could spare some prayers for Jenny and our family we would be so very grateful.



  1. Oh Kathleen...
    I most certainly will pray for your sister-in-law and your entire family.
    And please know don't give yourself enough credit here.
    You inspire with every post you write.
    Your faith, and your love of family...your humor...
    I adore them all!
    Have a lovely week, my friend!!!!

  2. Kathleen, Beautiful post. We continue to pray for Jenny and her wonderful family. May God continue to bless them all as Jenny works towards a full recovery. Love Brother Bob

  3. Sorry to hear about Jenny's accident. Hope everybody's okay.

    That's the problem with having too many ideas. You don't know where to start writing. Well, this blog post is encouraging and honest as usual. I believe you did great. :)

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about Jenny's accident. You can be assured of our prayers! How good of you to ask others! The more the better, right? Hang in there!

  5. So sorry about your sister in law....tears...this was a beautiful post. ((hugs))

    I do the same thing with blogging, I have so much I want to write about with substance, but then, it's of such importance and I end not posting because I think I'm not worthy of posting those types of posts or something...I end up just doing a thankful post...or maybe movies...

    Loved this. Prayers for your sister in law and the whole family.
