Friday, April 1, 2016

A-Z Challenge: Why I Love Being Catholic

The challenge is on.  Write a post each day in April (minus Sundays) using the letters of the alphabet as your guide. 

The theme I have chosen is "Why I Love Being Catholic". 

Let's begin.


Meaning: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a sacred tradition among Catholics honoring and adoring the true presence of Jesus in the consecrated host.

Bible: Luke: 22: 19 "This is my body.."  Matthew 26:40.  "Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?"

Personal: I am blessed to have a parish that exposes Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday and First Fridays of the month.  It is a place where I can sit in the real presence of Jesus and open up my heart to him.  Do my thoughts wander?  Of course!  But I truly believe that our God is a personal God.  He wants my heart.  He wants me to come to Him.  And just like any earthly father enjoys a visit from his child, I believe God our Father wants us to visit Him in his house, whether it be at Mass, in the tabernacle, or exposed in the monstrance.

Praying with Jesus in my sights and the Holy Spirit's presence is very powerful and leaves me thirsting for more.


  1. Reminds me that I need to visit an adoration chapel soon. I haven't been for a long time now.

  2. I too love Adoration!
    And I am excited about this challenge. : )

  3. Good morning Kathleen,

    I do so appreciate your love of Jesus!

    Looking forward to your posts in April :)

  4. I love being Catholic too. Happy A-Z-ing!

  5. This!

    Literally, a perfect beginning to the challenge, isn't it? What a great challenge, too! Looking forward to reading more :)
