Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A-Z Challenge: Why I Love Being Catholic (O)

The challenge is on.  Write a post each day in April (minus Sundays) using the letters of the alphabet as your guide. 

The theme I have chosen is "Why I Love Being Catholic".    

Let's continue...

O- Offertory Procession

Definition: The first part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist which the bread and wine are presented (offered) to God before they are consecrated, and the prayers and hymn that accompany it.
Also known as the Preparation of the Gifts.

Personal:  Three of our children-Billy, Tommy, and Ann- are altar servers. (Mary has "retired" but is on reserve for emergencies.)  My heart bursts with pride as I see them take part in the mass, but especially during the Preparation of the Gifts minutes before the transubstantiation!   

Ann's First Holy Communion-2014

For more A-Z Challenge: Why I Love Being Catholic, click Here.


  1. Yes! Love watching my little guy grow and mature in his role as an alter server. When he stands next to the priest at the offertory, I am so proud of him. When I see him up at the alter assisting Christ through the priest, I pray that he is called into the priesthood.
