I love this story, and because I was familiar with it I think I was able to clearly see an answer to one of my own prayers.
I found the following at http://www.edificico.org/flood.htm.
The Flood

As the water rose even more, the house was torn from its foundation and was swept away, breaking up in the raging torrent. The old man didn't have a chance and he drowned.

To this, St. Peter replied, "I don't really understand what the problem is. We sent two boats and a helicopter!"
When we feel like we need God's help, we know that we can count on Him to be there for us. The problem is that we sometimes expect God to perform a sensational miracle to save us.
God doesn't usually resort to miracles when there are much more efficient ways to accomplish what He wants. All He needs to do is plant an idea in someone's head, or make sure help is available for us when we need it. It's up to us to do our part and not just sit around expecting God to do what we are perfectly capable of doing ourselves.
I've been praying lately for direction. I've wanted to volunteer but wasn't sure where.
Over the past several months I've received emails from the Director of Religious Education from our parish with information about CCD classes and such. Every email contained a plea for help regarding the need for catechists and aides. I've thought about helping out in the past, but figured I wasn't well suited for it. However, this week I decided to go to my church for Adoration. While I was there, I continued to pray for direction. The very next day I received yet another email explaining the need for volunteers for the CCD program. It was then that I remembered the story above.
I have a meeting with him next week to see in what capacity I can help.
Are you like me and need to be hit over the head? Or do you leave your heart open to hear God speaking?