Sunday, July 27, 2014

Everyday Happenings

With each passing year the summers go faster and faster.  Here is a snippet of what we've been up to.

**Most importantly, my Dad turned 80!  We all went out to dinner at our hometown restaurant, Pica's, to celebrate. 

Grandpop with (most of) his grandchildren
My Dad, my Uncle, siblings with spouses, and panoramic distortion--sorry Bob!

My Dad with his brother in law, Uncle Art.

Happy Birthday Dad!

**Time at the pool:

**Mary had her silks team over to practice:

**The 4th of July:

**Vacation Bible School:


Neither meal got eaten, by the way.

**Washing windows: He's thrilled.

We followed these directions here to make it as easy on us as possible.  It wasn't perfect, but we were pretty happy with the results.


**And finally, dress up and selfies:

They made me promise not to post these. 

Don't tell them, okay?


  1. Looks like a wonderful family summer, Kathleen!
    Love your daughter and her friends practicing their silks! : )
    It sure is flying, isn't it?!

  2. Thank you for this post and all of the others! I love to read about your beautiful family! I miss all of you!

  3. Happy birthday to you father! What a joy-filled occasion! Your kids are all so good looking...(your hubs better have his loaded gun ready ;) I hope your summer slows a little bit before your school starts.

  4. It looks like you are having a wonderful summer with your family. Happy Birthday to your dad! My dad had a big birthday this summer as well.
